How to get the WITCHER for free: Enhanced Edition on PC

Those who seek to play some classics before embarking on the mass of new games coming this fall is lucky. GOG gives The Wiccher: Enchanted Edition on PC for free, as well as an extra bonus for those who play the card strategy game, Gwent.

Here are the few easy steps to get your copy of the first payment of the franchise:

  1. First of all, you must make sure that you have a GOG account.
  2. You will then want to download Gwent, which is free on the site, if you have not done so yet. If you do not interest you, you can simply add it to your library.
  3. Subscribe to their newsletters by e-mail, made possible through their site.
  4. After, go to the Wiccher: Enchanted Edition Purchase page, and it will be displayed as a free purchase for you.
  5. For Gwent users, you will now also have a free KEG card.

How To Claim WITCHER ENHANCED EDITION For FREE | GOG.COM Once downloaded, you can return to the registration page to be removed from the broadcast list, if you wish. As a subsidiary of The Sorceleur The CD developer, Projekt Red, GOG regularly offers free copies of each game of the franchise, so be sure to keep an eye, if you have not played the other games of the trilogy.


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